E-things - March 2010
European Court of Justice rules in Google's favour - 23 March
Google aims to provide as much information as possible to users so that they can make informed decisions. For this reason, we have been awaiting a series of decisions by the European Court of Justice that explore the extent to which trade mark rights can be used to restrict information available to users. The first of those decisions was delivered today. - Google blog
- European Court of Justice
23 March 2010
Joined Cases C-236/08 to C-238/08
Google France SARL, Google Inc v Louis Vuitton Malletier SA (C-236/08) ; Google France SARL v Viaticum SA, Luteciel SARL (C-237/08) ; Google France SARL v Centre national de recherche en relations humaines (CNRRH) SARL, Thonet, Rabion, Tiger SARL (C-238/08)
Nestle hit by Facebook 'anti-social' media surge - 19 March
Critics of Nestle took social networking side Facebook by storm today when a Nestle company page on the site received thousands of complaints about the company's alleged use of palm oil from deforested areas in Indonesia. The barrage of comments came in response to a Greenpeace campaign launched this week accusing the company of sourcing palm oil from unsustainable managed rainforests in Indonesia, and destroying the habitate of endangered orang-utans. - Guardian website
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